February 7, 2022

Kell EvansKell Evans serves as Junior Class Vice President for Student Government and the Hudson Hall Resident Assistant (RA). Kell chose Columbia College because he says the moment he stepped on campus everyone treated him like a part of the family; he immediately loved the deep sense of community that he felt and had not witnessed anywhere else.  Kell’s ultimate career goal is to be a clinical counseling psychologist. That goal requires a Master’s degree, so after attaining his Bachelor’s degree, he will apply for a PsyD program. According to Kell, Columbia College has prepared him through his education and access to unique resources, which allow him to have the ability to apply to highly competitive programs.

As a part of the first residential class of men on campus, Kell’s college experience has been unprecedented. Kell has been impacted by the group of males sharing his experience. According to Kell, it takes a certain type of individual to decide to be one of the first males at a historically female college. His biggest takeaway from this unique position has been experiencing the level of compassion found in the Columbia College community. His favorite memory at Columbia College so far was when he witnessed a group of his residents include one of his particularly introverted residents in a game of basketball. It warmed his heart because he was initially worried about him, and he felt a sense of pride that he had yet to experience.

When asked what he would share with a high school senior considering attending Columbia College, Kell said he would share his experience and what made it unique compared to what he experienced at different universities. He believes there is so much value in attending a small institution, and he has loved the warmth of campus community due to its size.

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